Dyzelis Lyrics – Auroch
Singer: Auroch
Title: Dyzelis
Ain‘t nobody gonna work this damn hard nowhere not anyways, they don‘t have to
They see you‘re making a dollar and they don‘t get payed for it
World Lyrics and Songs
Dyzelis Lyrics – Auroch
Singer: Auroch
Title: Dyzelis
Ain‘t nobody gonna work this damn hard nowhere not anyways, they don‘t have to
They see you‘re making a dollar and they don‘t get payed for it
Lietuviškas Eastwood’as. Antra Dalis Lyrics – Auroch
Singer: Auroch
Title: Lietuviškas Eastwood’as. Antra Dalis
Sveikas Jurgiu Jonai, kaip gi tu?
Gyvas dar, savo tempu judu
Burtai Lyrics – Auroch
Singer: Auroch
Title: Burtai
Leiski prisiliest, šaltas rankas
Ant širdies padėk