Lyrics MDX View ā€“ Inner Rain

Inner Rain Lyrics ā€“ MDX View

Singer: MDX View
Title: Inner Rain

There is solace in remembering that for great lengths of time it was necessary to let the algae take over, but now you run our overgrown nails through the harvest, disgusted by the yield, but grateful the cracks beneath now have an opportunity to fill. The pressure gauge in the submarine is full of light and doubt departs the byproduct. When all was younger, if I rolled my eyes far back enough at the mention of the mask I could occasionally see your dangling toes, but now you float abreast the vessel. Whereas once the peace seemed outta reach, warded by rotting poplars and ribbons of cold sweat, now I see it sleeping in the fountain, and I see it again in the distance, breathing in the waterfall. I see it a third time from our bed, holding his string of lights below the shelf, spinning one between its forefingers
There is solace in the home in the meat

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