Danger Lyrics – Rob Gathercole
Singer: Rob Gathercole
Title: Danger
Walt, what the hell were you thinking last night?
God knows how much you had to drink, and then…
World Lyrics and Songs
Danger Lyrics – Rob Gathercole
Singer: Rob Gathercole
Title: Danger
Walt, what the hell were you thinking last night?
God knows how much you had to drink, and then…
Sorry Gretchen Lyrics – Rob Gathercole
Singer: Rob Gathercole
Title: Sorry Gretchen
Walter? This is Gretchen Schwartz. We need to talk
What is all this I hear about cancer, and us paying for your chemo?
Season Three Lyrics – Rob Gathercole
Singer: Rob Gathercole
Title: Season Three
Season three
You don’t need to see
I Think My Husband’s Been Dealing… Lyrics – Rob Gathercole
Singer: Rob Gathercole
Title: I Think My Husband’s Been Dealing…
No… No
Both of his cellphones
Jesse’s Rap Lyrics – Rob Gathercole
Singer: Rob Gathercole
Title: Jesse’s Rap
Hey, janey
Oh, hey, p! why so blue?
Comedy Lawyer Lyrics – Rob Gathercole
Singer: Rob Gathercole
Title: Comedy Lawyer
Sounds like another case for Saul Goodman!
Attorney at law