You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away Lyrics – The Beatles
Singer: The Beatles
Title: You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away
Here I stand head in hand
Turn my face to the wall
World Lyrics and Songs
You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away Lyrics – The Beatles
Singer: The Beatles
Title: You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away
Here I stand head in hand
Turn my face to the wall
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds Lyrics – The Beatles
Singer: The Beatles
Title: Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
Picture yourself in a boat on a river
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies
Fixing A Hole Lyrics – The Beatles
Singer: The Beatles
Title: Fixing A Hole
I’m fixing a hole where the rain gets in
And stops my mind from wandering
And Your Bird Can Sing Lyrics – The Beatles
Singer: The Beatles
Title: And Your Bird Can Sing
Tell me that you’ve got everything you want
And your bird can sing
No Reply Lyrics – The Beatles
Singer: The Beatles
Title: No Reply
This happened once before
When I came to your door
The Long And Winding Road Lyrics – The Beatles
Singer: The Beatles
Title: The Long And Winding Road
The long and winding road
That leads to your door